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Quaker, French-speaker, educator, anti-racist; Southern-born & raised, and talking enthusaist.


A Quaker Serenity Prayer?

 Did you know there's more than one? 

Here's the one I'm most familiar with 
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
and Wisdom to know the difference. 

but wait, that's not it, the best part is:

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardship as the
pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did, this
sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make
all things right if I
surrender to His Will;

That I may be reasonably happy
in this life, and supremely
happy with Him forever in
the next.

Reinhold Niebuhr (1926)

But then there's the Pagan Serenity Prayer

God & Goddess grant me:
The power of water, to accept with ease & grace what I cannot change
The power of fire, for the energy & courage to change the things I can.
The power of Air, for the ability to know the difference.
And the power of Earth, for the strength to continue my path.

So mote it be.

And then my own.  A Quaker Serenity Prayer

Guide me to accept what I cannot change
Teach me ways to change the things I can.
Water the seed of wisdom which shows the way forward
and Lead me into the Life and Power that takes away the occasion for harm.

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