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Quaker, French-speaker, educator, anti-racist; Southern-born & raised, and talking enthusaist.


To doubting religionists everywhere

To doubting religionists everywhere:

If youre a religionist like I am, you might be a wonder why there is so much back and forth about science and religion thinking or believing, this either/or modernist thinking that still pervades our post-modern culture. Science v. religion? Reason v. faith? If you're a religionist, like I am, you may wonder where the power of the Creator is in all the disease, unrest and economic disparity. Maybe what you've been taught doesn't speak to your condition. If you're a religionist, like I am, you might even be beginning to doubt. You're tired of the power grabs, the millionaire ministers, the child abuse, the white privilege, racism, preachers in Porsches who make more money than the people they supposedly shepherd ever will. But there is an answer and it's deep within you.

You don't have to make false choices. You can be a be a rational, logical person (as much as anyone is) and know that the inward reality doesn't have to conflict necessarily with the outward. Religion isn't the opposite of science. It gives life, changes and grows along side science. It has the capacity to help guide scientists and give a context of morality to how we use science. Science helps religion see how creation works. They don't oppose one other. Any threat by science to religion is truly a threat to the power structures within them. It's not a threat to faith. True knowledge is based in experience and understanding. Religion and science provide both.

But how do we get to the place where true religion grows and changes and instructs? How do we get to "true faith?" By understanding that the book and the steeple do not save. The outward teachings are beneficial but they do not affect the inward transformation necessary for happiness. They guide. True knowledge of that inward Guide, the prophet within, the inward Teacher, the Light, that knowledge comes from experience. That experience comes from fellowship with others, to be certain. The Bible (for Christians) can give it context. But the book is a declaration of the Source and not the Source itself. No matter how steeped in a faith tradition we might be, we must be open, humble, teachable and tender and allow the Spirit within to guide us and teach us. We have to be willing to be corrected, as the the Light can serve as a beacon that shines on that which separates us from our fellows and the Spirit. The Light usually will start by showing us our true nature. We may not like it. How to fight for justice if we don't see the injustice in our own actions and thinking? How do we get that passion for our fellows if the Light hasn't shown us who we exclude?

The Light will show us what needs fixing, but we should never wade in the problem but give over to the eternal stream of power that is always available and leads us to the solution. The light gives us solutions and we have to follow them, and ask others for help. Notice nothing about this talks about belief.

Belief comes later. We carry around a bucket, and as we have moments of transformation, of pain then grace, of being wrong then being corrected, of humility and joy, of being humble and teachable, each experience whether with someone else or alone is a drop of evidence that there is a power greater than us, the Light within. We fill our bucket of evidence. Once we have had enough experiences of this power within us we can claim belief. This experience-based faith is not easily shaken, no matter what experiences in life come our way. It's built on a rock, not sand.

We are in a time when for many Christians the Letter overrides the Spirit. Where the Word made Flesh is superseded by the written word. Their faith is based in culture and certain Biblical teachings and some of those cultures seek to preserve their power and privilege by using the teachings they've selected. We are in a time world wide where judgment reigns over discernment, malice over mercy, tribalism over recognizing the Light that enlightens all who come into the world, the Inward Light that great Teacher we all have but do not all know. Robert Barclay wrote "There has scarce been a nation found, that doesn't have some notion or other of religion; it isn't due to their denying any Deity, but because their mistakes and misapprehensions of it, that resulted in the idolatry and superstition of the world; yea, hence even atheism itself has proceeded from it: for these many and various opinions of God and religion, being so much mixed with the guessings and uncertain judgments of men, have born in many the opinion that there is no God at all."

The idolatry of money and power are two great evils. We fear people based on their sexual orientation, race or gender. Those who seek to discriminate were once in the majority. How is it that there has been such a sea change ? Have people become less religious and gone left? Or is the inward light working in more people, seeking out those who will follow it and listen. For the light seeks justice and mercy.

We fight not with weapons but with Truth and Power. This Power comes from within. This Power we see on the streets. This Power threatens, and can be resisted by principalities, but not overcome. But the true faith cannot be shaken. Our country is rising up against idols of hate, malice and the misuse of power.

What is the Light within saying to you? What do you feel stirring in your conscience. How are you being called to witness? To change? To act even if it may threaten your safety and your security ? Often the Spirit calls us to to things we would not do, but also we are never given more than we can handle, even if handling it requires help.

So dear fellow religionists who may be doubting, it's ok to test and experiment to see what is true for you, what leads you to peace and love and right-living. Religion, regardless of its outward form, should lead one to Truth, transformation and happiness. If we listen and watch we can see the Light working in all people, irrespective of persons. If we open a sacred text, we begin to see the texts may speak to our experiences, and the Spirit can guide us in understanding what we read. With no relationship with the Spirit, the books can serve as a mystery, a block to understanding or a tool for harm.

Belief not grounded in experiential faith can lead to pain and confusion. Ground yourselves in the seed of love within you.

As far as the so-called religionists who discriminate, who choose force on their own people, horde and dominate, remember this: your faith is not based in them and their so-called beliefs, your faith and practice is based in truth. "This, and much more that might be said, may show how dangerous it is to miss in this first step: "All that come not in by the door, are accounted as thieves and robbers."

Kevin-Douglas Olive
Baltimore, MD

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea why this formatted like it did but I can't seem to undo it.
